Mental Dimes

Mental Dimes was a Sports Blogging website that needed a complete overhaul.

We decided on a simple layout that is blog friendly and feature the articles by the date they were written. After consulting with the owner, he chose to use the Canard theme through WordPress, and we enhanced it to work for our blog. With the articles being the primary source piece of content, the emphasis needed to be on them. The layout provides a summary of each article, along with the ability to attach an image to the article. The design allows us the capability to easily categorize the articles by sport, making it easy for the readers to find what they are looking for.

We chose a multiple column layout to highlight the most popular articles along side the most recent articles. We also incorporated the Twitter feed in the second column, since social media has become a strong force in getting eyes on content, and Twitter is arguably the top social media platform for Mental Dimes.

For the footer, it is important for the readers to be able to subscribe to the weekly newsletter, so we put the option to subscribe in the footer. There is a pop-up, but just in case some people miss the pop-up the form is in the footer.

The typography was chosen with legibility in mind. Playfair Display is used for the headlines of each article. The font works perfectly for headlines and teeters on the boundaries of being a modern font. The body type is PT Serif, which is a popular magazine/blog body font that is easy to read.

The color palette was chosen by the owner. He is a fan of a couple of sports teams whose main color is orange. From there we decided black would be a good color to go with it, and with keeping the colors simple to ensure everything is easy to read we chose black and orange.

The company is no longer around.

screens of mental dimes site mockup of mental dimes site